5 tips for saving money in the kitchen

Don’t waste your money.

1. Tip – Put the lid on

If you put the lid on the pot and pan, you save up to three quar­ters of the energy consump­tion when cooking because the heat does not escape upwards. The pot should be as big as the hotplate and should not wobble if possible.

2. Tip – Use residual heat

The residual heat from the cooker and oven makes for wonderful cooking. Switch off the oven and the hotplates about five minutes before the end of the cooking or baking time.

3. Tip – Elec­trical appli­ances

Elec­trical appli­ances in the kitchen can support the large built-in appli­ances in an energy-saving way. For example, you can bake bread rolls on the toaster or heat water in the kettle, so you save a lot of elec­tricity and don‘t always have to use the cooker.

4. Tip – Defrosting in the refrig­er­ator

If you defrost frozen food in the refrig­er­ator instead of in a pot, oven or microwave, the refrig­er­ator is addi­tion­ally cooled from the inside. Hot food does not belong in the refrig­er­ator!

5. Tip – Increase fridge temper­a­ture

A higher internal temper­a­ture in the refrig­er­ator means less elec­tricity consump­tion. As an example: If you set the temper­a­ture to 7 °C instead of 5 °C, you save about 12 % on elec­tricity costs. PS: Regular defrosting and checking the door seals will make it easier for the refrig­er­ator to main­tain a constant temper­a­ture.

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